Dive into the magical world of Galapagos
The seals bark back and the tortoises are as old as your favorite tennis ball. There are countless incredible animal friends to make, but don't worry, dogs—you don't have to share your treats
Take a tour of the tropics

Featured toy
Baltra Batfish
Batfish don't swim very well, so they walk on the ocean floor. To really sweep 'em off their feet, stick a treat in those red lips—and take a #barkboxday pic of your dog's makeout sesh.

Featured toy
Bibi Booby
The blue-footed booby's famous feet come from their diet of fresh fish. The squeakers and crinkle, though? That's from us.

Featured toy
Tomas Tortuga
The Galapagos tortoise, the oldest in the world, can go up to a year without eating. Your dog won't have to wait that long—tuck a treat in the tortoise's neck for a playtime snack!

Featured toy
Culpepper Penguin
The Galapagos penguin is the only penguin species found north of the Equator. If that's how far we had to travel to hang out with your dog, we'd do it too.

Featured treat
Swimmy Jerky Bar
Chewy Jerky! Easy to tear and share. Break off the right sized bite for your bark.

Featured treat
Moo Moo Pies
With Molasses! Because your sweetie pie deserves a sweetie pie, too. (Sorry, too sappy?)
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